Saturday, July 23, 2011

Laguna de Apoyo

I really will write an intro-to-Manna blog post soon, but today was a cool day so I'm just going to tell you all about that first. :-) After waking up at around 5:45am on my own (it gets bright early here!), I relaxed and read for a bit before we all headed off to Laguna de Apoyo, a beautiful lake about an hour away. Five of the current PDs, as well as all 8 of us new PDs and the old and new bosses, headed off to the lake.

After arriving, we had a wonderful lunch at a restaurant right on the water - I had grilled fish, which was yummy, and I also was able to get passionfruit juice! One of my favorites. :-) It was delicious. We spent most of the afternoon just chilling by/in the lake - there were some docks to jump off, and we also rented innertubes so we could just relax in the water. The water was beautiful - a nice teal color, and the perfect temperature. It's currently "winter" here in Nicaragua, also known as rainy season, so it's not as hot as it could be - but even so, it's very hot and humid, so the water was nice. And it didn't rain while we were at the lake, which was great! I really enjoyed the chance to relax, take in the gorgeous scenery, and hang out with fellow PDs.

Laguna de Apoyo is a lake which used to be a volcanic crater. The volcano is no longer there, and the lake naturally is there where the crater used to be. It's surrounded by mountains, and is much deeper than most lakes (hence, being able to jump off platforms into it). It was all around very beautiful and I had a great time. :-)

Here are a few pictures from the day...enjoy!

The view from my seat on the dock...beautiful.
Laguna de Apoyo :-)

Jumping into the lake to cool off

Part of the awesome restaurant/hang-out we spent the day at.

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