If you haven't already taken 30 seconds to help Manna Project win $1 million, please go to http://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGiving?sk=app_123284047772276 and do it now!! Then, tell all your friends about it....we're in third place now, so need a big push to move up!
Our team here in Nicaragua had our first retreat these past 2 days, and it was a great time to get away, refocus, and look back on what we've accomplished in our first two months and what we hope to accomplish in the future. It is quite amazing, to say the least, to think about everything that has happened since arriving! The money we could win from the Chase competition would allow us to continue doing what we do, and to do even more - we'd have more resources to provide for our students, more ability to provide loans for our microfinancing, and the chance to expand our work in La Chureca - among many other things.
Please help us do this and so much more by voting and sharing the link with your friends! I appreciate your help!
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